Job: Front of House at KaDeWe
Favorite Donut: White Nougat Pistachio and Maulwurfkuchen

Say hi to Alisha, who is working in our KaDeWe team and never fails to put a smile on customer’s faces. đź‘‹
ChadĂ©, our KaDeWe Shop Manager, puts it best: „We have been so so lucky to have had Alisha on our team for a while now and she always brings her honesty, empathy, her positive attitude and calm demeanour with her. She’s so cool and level headed, she’ll solve any problem with ease, creates an excellent customer experience, laughs easily and a has true passion for all things sweet and vegan, especially our donuts! We love her track(s) on Spotify and are in awe of her creativity. Brammibal’s would not be the same without her efforts.“
How long have you been working at Brammibal’s?
I had my first anniversary on Valentine’s day 2023.
How do you start your day?
The first thing I do when I arrive at our booth is to count how much money we have in our cash register, as we at KaDeWe are the only Brammibal’s store that offers cash payment. I also get to taste a cup of freshly brewed tea from our sweet neighbors at P&T every morning which I loveee!
What does a typical day look like for you?
After counting the money, I organise all the donuts on the display and make sure our booth looks presentable and inviting. Another important thing is getting the leftover donuts ready to be picked up by an organization called 1892Hilft, who are always extremely grateful to be able to donate to people in need. And so is our entire team! Other than that, I sell donuts, sometimes merch and communicate with our Store Manager about what needs to be restocked or any other special inquiries.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Being able to work at a place that is fully vegan is something I appreciate a lot. On top of that, I really love being a part of our small KaDeWe team of nice and sensitive people. Everyone’s very respectful and compassionate which seems to be rare in most work environments.
What is the most challenging thing about your job?
There are obviously days that are way more hectic than other days, but I think since I usually work on a booth with just donuts instead of in a café, the most challenging thing is trying to remember anything regarding coffee!