Job: Operations Associate
Favorite Donut: White Nougat Pistachio
Say hi to Ben, our Operations Associate. He’s always on hand to help with a problem and is a real master of all trades.
Jeremy, Operations Manager, had this to say when asked about Ben, ‚Having Ben on the Ops team makes a huge difference, he has been essential helping set up so many of our digital processes last year. Ben is a great colleague to have, a savvy problem-solver and his dedication to not only get projects going but see it through to completion helps in the success and growth of Brammibals.‘
Thank you for your hard work Ben, we all really thankful to have you! 🍩
How long have you been working at Brammibal’s?
Since September 2021!
What does a typical day look like for you?
It’s always a surprise because my role involves working on a few different projects to improve processes & work flows across all of our cafe and bakery locations. I usually start the day in our office or bakery with a cappuccino. Recently, I have set up a new inventory system which we use to order ingredients and keep supplies in our cafes replenished. So I’ll help our bakery and cafe teams with any trouble shooting, adding new items to the system and monitoring stock levels. I’ve been collecting data on the amount of ingredients & energy used and waste produced in 2022 in order to offset our carbon emissions with Climate Partner. This is part of an ongoing project I’m working on to become a more sustainable company.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Working for a company that is aligned with my vegan ethics, with wonderful like-minded coworkers and a delicious product!
What is the most challenging thing about your job?
Fighting the urge to eat donuts everyday.
What’s your favorite thing to do after work?
Visiting some galleries & new vegan spots, going to a gig or cycling around the city.